Sunday 30 June 2013


Once upon a time a fox was roaming in a forest in search of food. Unfortunately he was caught in a trap. Heaving to get out of the trap, he  lost his tail in the struggle. The fox felt ashamed. He knew that every fox would laugh at him. He felt so sad that he wanted to put an end  to his life. But then he said to himself, “It is an act of cowardice to kill oneself. I shall do something else.”


At last the fox planned to persuade all the foxes to part with their tail. So the fox arranged for a meeting of the foxes and advised them to do away with their tails. He said to them, “The tails are ugly, heavy and tiresome. So we must all get rid of them.”

On hearing this one clever fox said, “Good, Sir! You wouldn’t be so keen to give us that advise if you were not get rid of your tail. Isn’t it?” All the foxes laughed at the tail-less fox and went away.



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